
CM22A - 2.2.oz. Medium Weight Cutaway - This is our best seller. It can be used for most applications. It has excellent stability on medium to heavy stitch counts. Available in white and black.

CA23A - 2.0 oz.  Medium Weight Cutaway - This is a very soft yet solid stabilizer that will support medium to heavy stitch counts. This is great for knits, sweaters and fleece. It can act as a tearaway. Available in white.

CD25 - 2.5 oz. Medium to Heavy Weight Cutaway - A medium to heavy weight cutaway that is soft and doesn't scratch the skin. It is good for interlock or herringbone golf shirts, double knits and thin fleece wear. Available in white.

CD29 - 3.0 oz. - Heavy Weight Cutaway - This is a super soft, heavy duty cutaway.
Why use pieces when you can use one with this product? Excellent for jacket backs, full front sweatshirts and heavy weight knits. Ideal for high stitch counts.
Available in white and black.

CD925 - 2.5 oz. Medium to Heavy Weight Cutaway - A medium to heavy weight cutaway that is soft and doesn't scratch the skin. It is good for interlock or herringbone golf shirts, double knits and thin fleece wear.

CA933 - 3.0 oz. Heavy Weight Cutaway - This is a great choice for heavy duty jobs. It keeps stitches from disappearing into sweaters, fleece and knits. Good for home decor or upholstery fabrics. Can be used as a stabilizer for stand alone patches and emblems.It works well on pique golf shirts and blankets.

CD30 - 3.75 oz. Super Heavy Weight Cutaway - Extremely stable, designated for single layer use. It is more cost effective to use one piece of this product than two pieces of another.

FM1 - 3.77 oz. Super Heavy Fusible Cutaway - This heavy weight fusible cutaway is used primarily for emblems and patches. Simply iron onto fabric embroider, cut around patch then sew or embroidery onto garment.

FM10 - .9 oz.  Light Weight Fusible Cutaway - You don't need to use spray adhesives, this fusible backing adheres by applying heat. Messy solvents are toxic and often over spray leaving fabric and needles tacky. This is best for light weight materials.

FM20 - 1.9 oz. Light to Medium Weight Fusible Cutaway - This product is used to stabilize very stretchy, hard to hoop fabrics. A light to medium weight fusible that can be peramently affixed to garments easily.